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People often hear the word ‘Alzheimer’ and think of negative things. They don’t see there’s life after the diagnosis. You can still exist. — DemSCAPE project participant


Why does neighbourhood design matter for dementia?

  • An inclusive built environment helps people of all ages and abilities stay active, connected, and engaged in their communities. By shaping the built environment, inclusive neighbourhood planning and design can help reduce the risk of dementia and support people living with dementia to maintain independence for as long as possible. 

  • Inclusive community spaces close to home allow people living with dementia and their care partners to interact with neighbours and other community members, fostering social connections, trust, and belonging. 


  • Good neighbourhood design is critical for reducing stigma and fostering inclusion for people living with dementia.

  • The planning and design strategies in these learning modules aim to support wellbeing for all community members, including those living with dementia, by increasing comfort, safety, inclusion, and sense of place.

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